Each author, by submitting a manuscript, guarantees his/her personal contribution to the research, no matter what part and how much it concerns. Each author, by submitting a manuscript, confirms his/her participation in the composition of the author's team and approves the manuscript, agreeing with its full content and confirming the very fact of submitting the manuscript to the editor.
Anyone who has made a sufficient contribution to the research should be included in the authors of the manuscript. Adequate contribution means the presence of at least three of the listed contributions: development of a research concept and model, data collection, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting a manuscript, conducting an in-depth literary analysis of the research, statistical processing of the data obtained, obtaining funding, administrative, technical and material support, observation of the experiment. Authors can define their own criterion for significant research contribution, which can be one of three necessary.
Everyone who assisted in the research and preparation of the manuscript of the article, but at the same time cannot claim authorship, are indicated in the Acknowledgments section.
If the manuscript contains more than one author from the group of authors, a corresponding author is appointed by the internal decision of the group of authors. He/she is charged with the responsibility to act as a contact person in relations with the editorial office in terms of working with this manuscript. At the same time, the corresponding author bears personal responsibility, understands and agrees with this, for the accuracy of all data provided to the editorial office, which can confirm the affiliation of each co-author of the manuscript. The corresponding author acts as a contact person in relations with the editors and after the publication of the article, assuming responsibility for informing all co-authors on any issue arising from this article after its publication and placement in indexing resources. The Corresponding Author is responsible for the implementation of measures for the timely resolution of such issues. If there are any changes made to the composition of the author's team, these changes must be approved and confirmed by all co-authors. The corresponding final version of the group of authors is approved prior to the submission of the manuscript and is enshrined in the License Agreement. The editors of Evrimata : Engineering and Physics do not investigate authors' controversies or resolve any authorship and/or ordering disputes between authors, whether pre-publication or post-publication.
All documents regulated by the requirements of the editorial office are provided by the corresponding author. The editors reserve the right to doubt the authenticity of the group of authors in the sense of the participation of all authors in the research and preparation of the manuscript, if at the stage of working with the manuscript there are corresponding suspicions on the part of the editors and reviewers.
Doubts on the part of the editors may arise, in particular, in such cases:
– when the number of co-authors of the manuscript clearly does not correspond to its volume, focus, type of research, nature and significance of the research results;
– when the professional competence of the co-authors, for example, in the part concerning the indication of the field of science in which the academic degree and/or the circle of scientific interests are obtained, do not correspond to the scientific field / subject of the journal,
– when the analysis of the literature contains narrow references in relation to certain persons.
Doubts on the part of the reviewers may arise, in particular, in such cases:
– not prompt and/or poor quality response on the part of the corresponding author to the questions, comments or clarifications of the reviewer,
– lack of convincing arguments regarding the evidence part of the essence of the scientific research in response for comments.
The presence of doubts, whether on the part of the editorial board or on the part of reviewers, entails a complex of different events, the choice of which is due to the degree of doubt and the reaction to them on the part of the corresponding author. In any case, the editorial staff of the journal, when choosing events, is guided by the COPE recommendations "How to recognize potential authorship problems". Changes in the author's composition for a published article can be made only in the case of a written submission of sufficient arguments from the team of authors or other persons and after an internal investigation by the editorial board. This investigation will include verification of the credibility of the arguments or complaints provided, and liaison with the institution where the authors work and/or where the research was conducted.
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