Journal of Evrímata: Engineering and Physics <p><strong><span style="font-size: 18.0pt;">Journal of Evrimata: Engineering and Physics </span></strong></p> <p>The interdisciplinary research edition covers the following scientific areas:</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Engineering (miscellaneous)</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Civil Engineering, Building, Construction &amp; Architecture</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Transportation</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Electrical and Electronic Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Computer Science &amp; IT</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Control &amp; Systems Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Mechanical Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Industrial &amp; Manufacturing Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Materials Science &amp; Nanotechnology</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Automotive Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Chemical Engineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Chemistry &amp; Bioengineering</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Chemistry</p> <p style="margin: 0mm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">- Physics<br />- Energy</p> <p> </p> <p><em><strong>Taking into account the interdisciplinary character</strong></em> of the journal, the authors in its materials should <em><strong>emphasize field of application </strong></em>of their research, always <em><strong>emphasizing the importance of the subject for</strong></em> the research community in related fields of knowledge.</p> en-US (Dr. Eko Yudiyanto, ST.,M.T.) (Hangga Wicaksono, S.T., M.T.) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 05:33:26 +0700 OJS 60 BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) PLANNING ON QUADCOPTER FLYING ELECTRIC VEHICLE <p>Electric Vehicle Flying (KLT) quadcopter is an emerging technology that has great potential for various applications. The battery is one of the important components in the quadcopter KLT, and the battery management system (BMS) plays an important role in maintaining the performance, safety, and service life of the battery. This study aims to design, determine the wiring design and test the performance of the BMS on a quadcopter flying electric vehicle. Methods: This study is to design a battery management system (BMS) for a flying electric vehicle and then test it to see its effect on the performance of the electric motor and the safety of the battery Results: Based on testing when the battery management system is on standby, it shows that the battery is in good condition and has sufficient capacity. The battery voltage is within the normal range, the battery current is not flowing, the battery power is unused, the average cell voltage is normal, and the remaining battery capacity is almost full. The Jikong BMS is functioning properly and the battery is in good condition. Conclusion: The planning of the battery management system (BMS) on the quadcopter flying electric vehicle was successfully made with adjustments to the Battery LifePo4 used.</p> Mochammad Bilal Al Kahvi, Sugeng Hadi Susilo Copyright (c) 2024 Bilal , Sugeng Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 An Implementation of Early Warning System for Air Condition Using IoT and Instant Messaging <p>Air pollution poses a significant threat to human health and environmental sustainability, exacerbated by anthropogenic activities such as industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and fossil fuel combustion. Major pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>), hydrocarbons (HC), sulfur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>), ozone (O<sub>3</sub>), particulate matter (PM<sub>2.5</sub>), particulate matter (PM<sub>10</sub>), and etc. In this study, an Early Warning System (EWS) was developed integrating sensors, microcontroller, IEEE 802.11 network, web interface monitoring, and Instant Messaging. The system uses the CART algorithm to analyze the data, with sensors that detect CO, NO<sub>2</sub>, and HC. The evaluation of the system demonstrated its effectiveness, with recorded pollutant concentrations of 1.401 ppm for CO, 0.639 ppm for NO<sub>2</sub>, and 0.860 ppm for HC, and identified correlations between these pollutants. The EWS proved capable of providing timely alerts, ensuring continuous monitoring and management of indoor air quality, and contributing to public health and environmental protection.</p> Alfiandi Aulia Rahmadani1, Budhy Setiawan1, Yan Watequlis Syaifudin, Nobuo Funabiki, Indrazno Siradjuddin, Triana Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Alfiandi Aulia Rahmadani1, Budhy Setiawan1, Yan Watequlis Syaifudin, Nobuo Funabiki, Indrazno Siradjuddin, Triana Fatmawati Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF A MIXTURE OF BIOETANOL AND 92 OCTANE FUEL ON MOTORCYCLE EXHAUST GAS EMISSIONS <p>High concentrations of pollutants from incomplete combustion of motor vehicles have an impact on the surrounding environment and the health of living things. Incomplete combustion as a result of the design of the combustion chamber and the type of fuel used that does not correspond to its compression ratio. To improve the octane value of the fuel can be mixed bioethanol, because this alternative fuel is environmentally friendly. The purpose of knowing how much the change in the emission values of CO, HC, O2 and CO2 when using 92 octane fuel, and 95. additionally determines the change when using 92 octane fuel mixed with bioethanol 5, 15, 25%. The method of mixing fuel with bioethanol using splash blending method and exhaust emission testing based on dynamic method when the engine speed of 1250 to 9000rpm to obtain data. Furthermore, the test data processed by ANOVA. The result is a change in emissions of 0.07% CO, 16ppm HC, 2.3% CO2 and 0.2% oxygen at Octane 92, the change in emissions was 0.32 CO, 54ppm HC, 1.54% CO2 and 0.44% O2 when using BE25% fuel mixed with 95octane</p> Agus dani, Yuniarto Agus Winoko , Santoso Santoso, Listiyono Listiyono Copyright (c) 2024 Agus dani, Yuniarto Agus Winoko , Santoso Santoso, Listiyono Listiyono Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 An Infrared Emitter Driver Circuit of SAT for MILES Application <div> <p class="Default"><span lang="EN-US">This paper presents the design and simulation of an infrared emitter driver circuit for the MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System) application.&nbsp; The circuit aims to efficiently drive a high-power IR emitter, maximizing output power while maintaining compatibility with low-power embedded systems (e.g., ESP32).&nbsp; Key design considerations include the selection of an appropriate IR diode emitter, driver circuit topology (utilizing a push-pull amplifier and low-side MOSFET driver for fast switching), pulse shaping techniques to optimize rise and fall times, and thermal management strategies.&nbsp; Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design in achieving high power output (4.5W) with fast switching speeds and minimal ringing, suitable for MILES applications requiring precise and rapid IR LED control.</span></p> </div> Indrazno Siradjuddin, Wahyu Aulia Nurwicaksana, Septyana Riskitasari, Gillang Al Azhar, Arief Rahman Hidayat, Rendi Pambudi Wicaksono Copyright (c) 2024 Indrazno Siradjuddin, Wahyu Aulia Nurwicaksana, Septyana Riskitasari, Gillang Al Azhar, Arief Rahman Hidayat, Rendi Pambudi Wicaksono Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF THE STABILITY PLAN FOR KAMBANIRU WEIR, EAST SUMBA DISTRICT <p>This research aims to analyze the stability of the Kambaniru Dam which is located in the Luku Kambaniru River, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. In this research, a preparatory stage was carried out which included literature study and field observations to collect weir design data and soil mechanics data. The data is then analyzed using an appropriate formula to evaluate the stability of the weir. The results of the data analysis were used to prepare a final report examining the performance of Kambaniru Dam stability planning. The calculation results show that the weir with the planned dimensions, namely 7.00 m high and 69.40 m wide, equipped with a 30 m long energy absorber, meets high safety standards. Stability analysis shows that the safety value (Sf) in terms of overturning force, shear force and soil bearing capacity under normal and flood conditions (with and without an earthquake) exceeds 1.5, indicating that this weir is in a safe condition. Therefore, the construction of the Kambaniru Dam according to the planned dimensions is considered reliable and safe.</p> suhudi suhudi, Kiki Frida S, Fifi Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 suhudi suhudi, Kiki Frida S, Fifi Damayanti Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 CLUSTERIZATION of MSMe and WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS for EFFICIENCY of COURIER PLACEMENT <p>The increasing number of MSMes and the high demand for fast delivery present challenges for logistics companies in managing efficient routes and courier placement. Without proper clustering, warehouse placement and picking points are often uncoordinated, causing delivery delays and increased operational costs. This research aims to group MSMe and warehouse locations based on distance, delivery volume and demand patterns to find optimal zones for courier placement, thereby increasing the efficiency of delivery routes, reducing operational time and costs, and improving the quality of delivery services. The courier clustering management application uses the Scrum method, with database design based on class diagrams and functional processes through use cases and activity diagrams. Admin maps delivery areas based on sub-districts and determines fixed prices for each regional cluster. The process of optimizing the clustering of MSMe locations in City Geographic data for new shipments is retrieved via the Google Maps API, sending the complete address to the Geocodes API endpoint. The clustering process uses the K-Means method to group MSMe locations based on geographic proximity. The test results show the efficiency of logistics delivery as well as cheaper and fairer rates thanks to the application of flat rates for all courier service users, both for long and short distances.</p> Annisa Aulia Nadhila, Yuri Ariyanto, Yan Watequlis Syaifudin Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Aulia Nadhila, Yuri Ariyanto, Yan Watequlis Syaifudin Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Adaptation to Climate Change, Conservation and Financial Feasibility in Heritage Buildings: A Nexus of Ideological Divergence in Post-Flood Disaster Reconstruction <p>Reconstruction following climate change induced disasters is often required after possible destruction of the built heritage. Achieving greater disaster resilience and reducing disaster risk due to climate change requires that such reconstruction must be balanced with financial and technical feasibility while conserving the historic character of the heritage building. The ‘Build-Back-Better’ mantra is mostly embraced during disaster induced reconstruction, and seeks to build safer and more resilient structures, to reduce pre-disaster vulnerabilities. The ‘Build-Back-Better’ approach assumes that there were vulnerabilities within the pre-disaster built environments that need to be rectified during reconstruction to enhance resilience. As such, achieving building conservation and climate adaptation during reconstruction might at first glance appear completely divergent. Conservation mostly focuses on maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing state, while adaptation may require updating/altering the components of an existing building. However, a more thorough understanding may lead to the conclusion that there is a convergence. This is because the conservation of the built heritage should contribute to resilience, in many ways similar to adaptation, especially in the context of post-disaster recovery. A divergence will result in a fairly unprecedented exposure to natural hazards triggered by climate change, and amplify the performance deficiencies, in terms of functional, technological and normative obsolescence. A convergence is needed due to the increasing requirements of safety, well-being and accessibility of the historic and architectural values, whose conservation is sought. Flooding is the most widely spread climate change induced disaster that affects the built environment globally. This study highlights how heritage conservation can techno-economically align with the resilience agenda, during reconstruction following flood disasters induced by climate change.</p> Amadi Alolote Ibim Copyright (c) 2024 Amadi Alolote Ibim Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700